“Mike Scheer is among the foremost IP experts in his technical practice area, including as to business applications of technology, which can span from “business methods” per se, to highly technical inventions having direct utility in solving business problems. The technologies in which Mike practices are extremely challenging, literally caught in the cross-hairs of court decisions throwing thousands of patents into turmoil. Mike has developed a nuanced depth in these areas that enables him to understand and navigate all components seamlessly — from the USPTO and its individual art units, to the PTAB and its processes as well as its decision-makers and precedent, to the many cross-cutting district court, CAFC, and Supreme Court decisions governing. I put Mike at the very top of the profession when it comes to USPTO post-grant practice, bespoke prosecution for highly valuable patent applications, strategic advisory, and licensing work”
“Michael Scheer combines a keen grasp of legal and regulatory matters with a pragmatic approach to resolve client issues. Mike’s skill sets include being a strategic legal thinker and an aggressive advocate who drives for results. I find Mike to be the ideal outside counselor who understands my goal to best serve the company’s interests with candor and integrity. - ”
“Mike worked with my team to develop a patent strategy on the new internet payment product we were developing. I remember Mike coming into the office after hours with boxes of pizza in hand, working with our small team into the night, encouraging us to throw every variation into what we called the “Kitchen Sink Patent.”
That one patent was the parent of what eventually turned out to be 28 separate US patent awards for my bank. The work itself was the foundation of the bank’s first person-to-person payment product “Quick Pay,” and eventually many of those concepts were included in Zelle and the Clearing House Real Time Payment Network.
Legal calculated that those patents eventually made the bank millions in licensing fees and lawsuit dismissals. Mike and the team did amazing work, we were just 20 years ahead of the market. ”